Local Buyers

Why Should You Get Started With Harvest To Order?​

Support Your Community

Using our platform you are supporting local food harvesters and producers.

Get Quality Food

Get fresh and locally sourced food without all of the hassle of traveling to the farm.

Get Noticed

With harvest to order you be able to market and sell your harvest to local customer

Fight Food Insecurity

With every purchase you are helping to fight food insecurity, throughout your local area


Are you looking for an easier way to source local product from your local community. Fresh Harvest Crate has made it easy to start to order from local farmers, coops, farmers markets. Make a onetime purchase or start a weekly subscription with your local hub, coop, or farmers market.

Businesses, Hospitals, Education Intuitions.

No matter who you are we want to get everyone involved with buying and selling local produce. We make it easy for your to buy local produce for your cafeteria or maybe you want to become a local pickup spot for the community.


Are you looking to start sourcing local produce for your menu? We make it easy for you to source produce form your local farmers and food hubs. Not only are you supporting and strengthen your local community but people love the farm fresh produce.

Shop fresh, shop local. Support small business.

With Harvest To Order you will be able to support your local economy and you won’t spend hours getting your local food. You will be able to be able to pick and choose what you want..

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